Author Archives: TheLady

Home Sweet Home


You know those “In this house, we” signs?  The ones that list all the beautiful and perfect interactions your loving and blessed family has with each other?  I’m staring at one hanging in our living room right now.  I picked it up at good ol’ Target a few months ago.  I remember the Man saying something about how he loved that I decorated our home in lies.  I laughed then, and I am still chuckling now at the thought of what a real list of family rules for our home would look like.  Perhaps it would read… Continue reading

Thankful November Week One


Everyone is doing it, and we all know I am nothing if not a follower.  You know what I’m talking about, that day of thanks through the month of November game.  I’m going to throw in a couple of twists, though.  Instead of writing every day and posting it for all to gloss over in their news feed read on Facebook, I’m going to post just once week and do it here on the website.  Maybe you’ll read it.  Maybe you won’t.  Either way, I’ll remember in my moments of misery that there is a lot to be grateful for in this overwhelming life I’ve built for myself.  Ready, set, go! Continue reading

November Challenge

novemberchallengeIt should be no surprise to anyone that the Man and I are a very sarcastic couple.  We make jokes all the time about everything.  If he wasn’t so easy on the eyes, I’d say it was his sexiest quality, that incredible sense of humor.  He has me laughing to the point of tears, to the point of not being able to breathe, to the point of peeing a little.  But when is a joke more than a joke?  Is sarcasm always funny?  Is laughter the best medicine? Continue reading

Sixteen Tips for Pinterest


I’m all about Pinterest.  Don’t get me wrong.  I love the inspiration, the creativity, the hilarity, and the endless time suck it provides.  I have a whole board of projects, meals, and parties that I have completed due to Pinterest.  BUT during my late night pinning marathons, I have noticed a few troubling trends  developing among my fellow pinners. So here are the Lady’s pinning tips for you. You’ve been warned. Continue reading