Category Archives: Us All Again

Come Talk to Me

Come Talk to Me logo

Hey!  Hey you there in the park, the mall, Target, the office, the waiting room, the drop-off line! Can you do me a favor?  When you see me out and about, come talk to me.  Let me know you see me and not just my rowdy babes.  As we stumble through whatever situation I find us in, give me a supportive nod…and then do a little more.  Come talk to me. Continue reading

Why Being A Mom Isn’t Enough

whybeingamomisntenoughlogoYou’ve probably read it.  That blog post everyone is sharing about how being a mom, a lady in the everyday trenches with her babes, is more than enough for you, me, her, all of us.  Now, although I get the heart of the message is to give yourself a break, a pat on the back, and a friend in the field, it’s all a pipe dream.  Being a mom is enough?  Nope, unfortunately, it’s not enough for you, me, her, all of us. Continue reading

I Love Presents!

ilovepresentsIt’s that time of year when everyone hounds everyone else for pretty much everything.  Opinions are flying left and right on what you’re doing (or not doing) to get yourself in the spirit.  Don’t decorate too soon, but don’t forget to do it all together.  Put your creepy friend on a shelf but also remember to teach that good behavior is its own reward.  Forgive everyone, but don’t be a doormat.  Eat, drink, and be merry!  But don’t lose that lady-like figure either.  And the big one this year: presence versus presents. Continue reading

Home Sweet Home


You know those “In this house, we” signs?  The ones that list all the beautiful and perfect interactions your loving and blessed family has with each other?  I’m staring at one hanging in our living room right now.  I picked it up at good ol’ Target a few months ago.  I remember the Man saying something about how he loved that I decorated our home in lies.  I laughed then, and I am still chuckling now at the thought of what a real list of family rules for our home would look like.  Perhaps it would read… Continue reading