Monthly Archives: January 2014

Why Being A Mom Isn’t Enough

whybeingamomisntenoughlogoYou’ve probably read it.  That blog post everyone is sharing about how being a mom, a lady in the everyday trenches with her babes, is more than enough for you, me, her, all of us.  Now, although I get the heart of the message is to give yourself a break, a pat on the back, and a friend in the field, it’s all a pipe dream.  Being a mom is enough?  Nope, unfortunately, it’s not enough for you, me, her, all of us. Continue reading

It Could Be Worse

I might hate this combination of words more than any other phrase in all of language: it could be worse.  Four words, not one is incredibly mighty on its own, but when they’re joined, they pack a wallop of attitude. “It Could Be Worse” (ICBW) is condescending, dismissive, and, perhaps worst of all, final.  How should do you respond?  No, it couldn’t be worse?  You can’t reply that way because, in actuality, it probably could be worse.  But that doesn’t mean you want to or have to hear it. Continue reading