Tag Archives: the lady

Ready, Set, Massage!


Recently my best friend decided that all these people that fill up my house and my heart were also stressing me the eff out.  I don’t know if it was the daily venting sessions, the frequency with which she heard Soul Asylum’s late nineties hit “Runaway Train” playing at my house, or the sporadic requests to enter into a sexless lesbian marriage with me, but something tipped off my very observant bestie.  So she got me my first ever massage!  Fifty minutes of tension-releasing calm.  At least that’s what it is for normal people.  What my darling friend forgot in making this grand plan for me is that I am a crazy person who loses control of herself in new situations.  Continue reading

Braggin on those Babies


My time in the southern part of the US brought me many treasures: a love of college basketball, the perfect sweet tea recipe, an affinity for chicken biscuits, and a few phrases that have been added into my vocabulary.  “Braggin on” is one such idiom.  It means simply to brag about, but it carries so much more than that when used correctly.  And if you ask me, it’s a phrase that parents the world over could apply more frequently. Continue reading

Happy Birthday for Who


It happened last year.  I became an old person.  The number doesn’t matter because, as the saying goes, you’re only as old as you feel.  Well, I feel old.  It started then, and now a few weeks past my birthday, I can say the trend is continuing.  I’m officially on the downward side of the hill of life.  Are you as depressed as I am yet?  Continue reading…you’ll get there. Continue reading