Category Archives: Ladies Again

I Give Myself Permission


Remember in school when you needed permission slips?  I was thinking about giving myself one now, as an adult and a parent.  A little slip of paper on which I would simply write, “I give myself permission.”  I’d tape it onto the bathroom mirror, inside the kitchen cabinet, on the dashboard, to the side of the coffee table, or over the bed.  I’d put this unencumbered message where I could see it regularly and remember to drop my baggage and give myself permission to be the parent I want to be. Continue reading

It Could Be Worse

I might hate this combination of words more than any other phrase in all of language: it could be worse.  Four words, not one is incredibly mighty on its own, but when they’re joined, they pack a wallop of attitude. “It Could Be Worse” (ICBW) is condescending, dismissive, and, perhaps worst of all, final.  How should do you respond?  No, it couldn’t be worse?  You can’t reply that way because, in actuality, it probably could be worse.  But that doesn’t mean you want to or have to hear it. Continue reading

Moments of Brilliance

At the end of the day, most of us take stock of what we’ve done well and what we could have done better.  It’s probably not that formal of a process, but think about where your mind wanders as you lay your head on your pillow.  Maybe you’re a lucky bastard, like the Man, and you switch off like a light.  If not, you probably go over the projects you finished, the errands you ran, the progress you made.  Then, you probably spend more time stressing over the chores left undone, the errands you didn’t run, and the progress you didn’t make.  Why?  Because people are judgmental…especially towards themselves. Continue reading

Thankful November Week One


Everyone is doing it, and we all know I am nothing if not a follower.  You know what I’m talking about, that day of thanks through the month of November game.  I’m going to throw in a couple of twists, though.  Instead of writing every day and posting it for all to gloss over in their news feed read on Facebook, I’m going to post just once week and do it here on the website.  Maybe you’ll read it.  Maybe you won’t.  Either way, I’ll remember in my moments of misery that there is a lot to be grateful for in this overwhelming life I’ve built for myself.  Ready, set, go! Continue reading

The Naked Lady


I stepped out of the shower, dropped my towel, and caught a glimpse of my body in the mirror.  Not a spring chicken anymore but not quite an old bird either.  Somewhere in the middle, I guess.  The body I saw did have a lot of middle to look at and too many imperfections to count.  I’ll try anyway. Continue reading