About Us

How do I write about a whole family of five in one little paragraph?  I can’t.  I talk way too much to be that concise about the backseat of my car let alone the loves of my life.

Instead, I’ll tell you about this website.

Because it’s not about us.  You won’t see our faces, read our names, or know where we are.  Like I said before, dear reader, I’m telling your story.  And for you to see yourself clearly in these pages, you can’t be looking at me.  That’s what I hope for this site to be: a reflection of your thoughts, feelings, and actions.  I hope to amplify our shared experiences, reflect on them, and help us both understand not only why life happens the way it does but also what we can do about it!  Lofty goals…but I hope you’ll read along and give me the chance to reach them with you.

So, the website?  It’s funny.  It’s about the words and the story they tell.  I live my truth, but I’m kind of a liar.  I’m trying to make a difference without holding a telethon.  It’s not just about the babies, but rest assured that I am always surrounded by them.  I’m trying not to be cliché.  I want the blog to be more than a laugh.  I want it to be a tear, a wave of calm, a voice of reason, a shoulder for support, an example, an inspiration…and a laugh.  Not aiming high at all!  I want to write something that means something to someone…to you.  I want to make things better.  I’m not trying to make anything worse.

If you get that, then you’ll get this.

Read.  Think.  Share.  Talk.  BE!

Again and again and again.


4 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Sara H

    I’m so happy you got this launched! Loving all the posts. With the three babes, I am seriously always surprised you find the time to even write one sentence. Congrats! xoxo

    1. TheLady Post author

      Thank you so much, Sara! I am so excited by how far this little idea has come. I really appreciate your support. Thanks for joining us for the craziness!

      1. Michelle DiCrecchio

        I look forward to your posts each day. I love that you write what every Mom (and in my case, Mom-Mom) feels, but is sometimes too afraid to say out loud!!
        Keep them coming!;)

        1. TheLady Post author

          Thanks for the comment, Michelle. I love hearing from you! I’ll keep writing if you keep reading. :)


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